1 DOZEN Fertile Chicken Eggs for Hatching
1 DOZEN fertile chicken eggs for hatching laid by our pasture raised chickens. Great for starting or expanding your own flock. Resulting chicks will be a barnyard mix of brown egg layers. Sire (father) is a Black Australorp/Sicilian Buttercup mix and Dam (mother) is either Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, ISA Brown, Black Australorp cross or Dark Brahma. 80% fertility guaranteed.
80% fertility guaranteed. Eggs must be candled at day 7 and photos provided in order to get infertile eggs replaced. 80% fertility does not guarantee hatch as there are many variables to a successful hatch. We are happy to answer any questions on hatching.
CAN NOT BE SHIPPED. Available for local pick up in Parrish, Florida.
PLEASE CALL OR TEXT 425-329-5065 to check on availability